Monday, May 18, 2009

Two onion rings and a battered sausage. Queen of the chippers Ms Macari...

For most of us, a visit to the chipper is a drink fuelled affair. They're anything but sexy aren't they. Chippers that is. Well Virginia Macari blows that theory out of the water and judging by this teeny bikini pic, she no stranger to a battered sausage or two. If this image isn't enough to whet your appetite - here are the meanderings of Sunday Indo Ginger Journo Barry Egan to give you some background.

"In the early Noughties, glamorous fashion designer Virginia Macari was a staple of the social diaries and the fashion pages. Her bling designs and high-octane lifestyle were always a talking point, particularly when she and her partner of eight years had an Italian wedding worthy of 'Hello!' Two months later, it was all over. Now living a quiet life with her new lover in Marbella, she tells Barry Egan where it all went wrong before it turned out right again"

Barry, don't you ever stop doing what it is you do.

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